Wills are legal documents that outline your final wishes regarding the distribution of your assets and property.

A living will is an essential document in your estate plan that ensures that your healthcare wishes are respected and relieves your loved ones from making difficult decisions during stressful times.

Key Benefits of a Living Will

  • Control Over Medical Decisions: A living will allows you to specify medical treatments you do or don’t want, such as life support or resuscitation. This allows your wishes to be followed even if you’re unable to speak.
  • Peace of Mind for Loved Ones: Your loved ones won’t have to make difficult decisions about your care without knowing your preferences.
  • Avoiding Conflicts: A living will helps to prevent disagreements among family members by clearly outlining your medical directives, minimizing potential conflicts during a challenging time.
  • Legal Protection: This document provides legal protection for your medical providers.

Steps to Create a Living Will

  1. Consult with a Legal Professional: A qualified estate planning attorney can guide you through the process to make sure your living will is legally sound and reflects your wishes.
  2. Consider Your Medical Preferences: Think about the types of medical treatments you would or wouldn’t want in various scenarios. This can include decisions about life support, resuscitation, or pain management.
  3. Draft the Document: With the help of your attorney, draft the living will, detailing your preferences. Make sure it’s clear and specific to avoid any ambiguity.
  4. Review and Update Regularly: Life circumstances and preferences can change. Be sure to review and update your living will regularly.

Creating a living will is a crucial step in securing your future healthcare needs. By having one in place, your medical care can align with your values and relieve your loved ones from making difficult decisions on your behalf.

Get Professional Assistance

For guidance on creating a living will, contact Drew Starbuck at Williams Starbuck Attorneys at Law. Call 720-660-9847 to schedule a consultation and take the next step in protecting your healthcare preferences.

Choosing the right executor for your will is one of the most important decisions in estate planning. The executor is responsible for carrying out your last wishes, ensuring your assets are distributed according to your will, and navigating the probate process.

Understanding the Role of an Executor

An executor, sometimes called a personal representative, is legally obligated to act in the best interests of your estate and beneficiaries. They will manage your estate through probate, pay any debts and taxes, and distribute assets to your heirs. Given the significant responsibility, it’s crucial to choose someone capable and trustworthy.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Executor

  • Trustworthiness and Integrity: Your executor must handle your estate with honesty and care. This role requires a person who can manage finances, understand legal documents, and make decisions without personal bias.
  • Willingness and Availability: Being an executor can be time-consuming and demanding. It’s important to select someone who is not only willing to take on the role but also has the time and energy to manage the process, especially if disputes arise.
  • Familiarity with Your Wishes: Ideally, your executor should be someone who understands your values and intentions. This familiarity can help them make decisions that align with your goals, particularly in complex situations.
  • Professional Executors: In some cases, you may prefer to appoint a professional executor, such as a trust company or an attorney. This can be particularly beneficial for large or complicated estates, as professionals bring experience and neutrality to the process.

Ensuring a Smooth Process

Choosing the right executor is vital to ensuring your estate is handled smoothly and in accordance with your wishes. Take the time to discuss your decision with potential candidates and seek legal advice to make the best choice.

It’s no wonder estate planning and life insurance go hand-in-hand. They both protect your family financially in the event of your death. If you don’t have life insurance or haven’t planned for the distribution of your estate, your family could face a lot of expenses and confusion after you’re gone. So here’s how to care for them with estate planning and life insurance in Las Vegas. 

How Estate Planning Protects Your Family

Estate planning involves creating legal documents that declare how to distribute your estate after you die. Most Las Vegas residents use their assets to benefit loved ones posthumously. You might see this as a simple gift to family or friends, but proper estate planning can protect them too. 

First, estate law can get very confusing if you do not have a legal will. The courts will have to follow intestate laws to distribute your estate, and your family may not like the outcome. Many families get into heated and expensive legal battles as a result. By creating a will, you leave no doubt about who gets what. 

A will can also designate caregivers for minor children or pets in the event of your untimely death. You know what’s best for them and deserve a say in their future. If you do not make those plans now, the courts must decide who will care for your children or animals without your input. 

You might also consider creating a trust. A trust does not go through probate like assets in a will do, so your beneficiaries will get the money from the trust sooner. This is vital if you have family members who depend on you financially. They will also avoid the general headache and expenses of the probate process


How Life Insurance Helps Las Vegas Families 

When you work with an estate planning attorney, the question of life insurance will come up. Life insurance is a financial asset. When you die, your insurance provider will pay out the amount on the policy to your named beneficiaries. 

If you do not already have life insurance, your attorney will encourage you to get some. Life insurance in Las Vegas can financially protect your family in several ways: 

  • Unlike assets like a house or retirement account, an insurance policy gives your family fast, liquid cash. 
  • Insurance money does not go through probate, giving your dependents vital funds soon after your death.
  • With readily available insurance money, your family can cover funeral expenses, outstanding debts, and estate taxes without digging into their own pockets.
  • You can use the insurance money to equalize your estate. Suppose one of your beneficiaries wants to keep physical property like your house while others only want the money it is worth. In that case, you can calculate the monetary value of their shares of the house and bequeath that amount from your life insurance and leave the house to the first beneficiary. 

Williams Starbuck Is Here to Help With Life Insurance And Estate Planning In Las Vegas

As you can see, estate planning and life insurance in Las Vegas can get confusing. Work with the experienced attorneys at Williams Starbuck to best protect your family. We focus on your goals for estate planning and guide you through the entire process. Get started today contact us at 1-702-660-9847 or send us a message to request a free consultation. 

Wondering about an unmarried couple’s rights when one of them dies in Las Vegas? Here’s what to know and how an estate planning attorney can help.

When most people think about the heirs of an estate, they think of offspring. But what if you never had children? An increasing number of Las Vegas couples face this question when planning for the future. As with all estate planning questions, an experienced attorney can help find the right answers for you. In the meantime, here are some things to know about estate planning for childless couples in Las Vegas. 

You’ll Need To Choose Beneficiaries

Perhaps the first concern during estate planning for childless couples in Las Vegas is choosing your beneficiaries. Most parents will automatically bequeath their estate to their children. People without offspring can simply choose other loved ones to name as beneficiaries. You might choose siblings, nieces, and nephews, other relatives, friends, or charitable organizations. 

Once you decide who will inherit your assets, create a will or trust that names those beneficiaries. If you both die without doing so, your estate will be distributed according to intestate succession laws and may not go to someone you would choose. It’s also a good idea to tell your beneficiaries ahead of time to minimize surprises (and conflict) in the future. 

You Also Need To Name An Agent In Your Power Of Attorney 

Another thing to consider is who to name as attorney-in-fact in your power of attorney. This is the person (or people) whom you entrust with your affairs if you and your spouse become incapacitated. Since you won’t have offspring to automatically take on those responsibilities, choosing this agent becomes even more important. 

You’ll need to ask someone you trust and whom you can reasonably assume will be competent enough to handle the responsibilities dictated by your POA. They should be willing and able to make sound financial, legal, and medical decisions on your behalf when you can no longer do so. When you have someone in mind, speak to them about your desire to make them your agent before asking your attorney to create your POA.

You Should Write Advance Directives For Medical Care

An advance directive is a legal document that gives instructions for your medical care if there comes a time when you can’t make decisions or communicate for yourself. Many people discuss their wishes with adult children, but childless couples will benefit most from creating advance directives that suit their needs. Your estate planning attorney can help you choose what documents are suitable for you: 

  • A medical power of attorney
  • A living will 
  • A do not resuscitate (DNR) order
  • A do not intubate (DNI) order 

These documents will tell medical professionals and your attorney-in-fact your preferences for medical care if you become incapacitated. 

Williams Starbuck Can Help With All Of Your Estate Planning Needs 

Whether you have children or not, the expert attorneys at Williams Starbuck are here to help you with estate planning. We’ll review your options and draw up the documents you need to ensure your wishes are honored. Learn more about our services contact us at 1-702-660-9847 and schedule a free consultation today.

Proper estate planning protects the people and things that matter most to you. That’s why it is so important but also daunting. So where do you start? An excellent first step is to contact your trusted estate planning attorney. In the meantime, you can learn more about what to expect by reading our guide to estate planning in Las Vegas

Who Needs Estate Planning?

This is the easiest question to answer. Every adult needs estate planning to some degree. Estate planning encompasses more than dividing a large estate among family members. It also includes your end-of-life care, what happens to your finances when you pass away, and even who will care for your pets or children if you can’t. Everyone deserves a say in what happens to the legacy they’ve built, and proper estate planning helps Las Vegas residents do that.   

Why Is Estate Planning In Las Vegas Important? 

You’ve spent a lifetime building wealth, loving your family and friends, and enjoying your property. You can protect all of these things after you’re gone with smart estate planning in Las Vegas. Even people with a small estate or few surviving relatives can benefit. No matter your situation, there are many reasons to work on your estate plan sooner than later. With good estate planning, you can 

  • Ensure your wishes concerning your assets are honored after you die. 
  • Prevent confusion and conflict among your family. 
  • Provide for loved ones after you’re gone. 
  • Help your heirs receive their inheritance fast with minimal stress. 
  • Choose who will care for dependents in the case of your untimely death. 
  • Leave a last gift to friends, family, or organizations and causes you support. 
  • Minimize or avoid the inconvenience and expense of the probate process
  • Plan for your own care if you become incapacitated.
  • Reduce inheritance taxes. 

How To Get Started On Estate Planning

Now that you know how important estate planning is, where do you start? The first step is to find an experienced attorney who offers estate planning services. Once you have an appointment with an attorney, here are a few more steps that will help you get started on estate planning in Las Vegas: 

  1. Make a complete list of your assets. This includes bank, investment, and retirement accounts, life insurance, and real estate. You should also note how you own these assets (in your sole name or jointly) and where these assets are kept. 
  2. Make a list of your debts. Write down mortgages, car loans, credit card debt, and other debts that may come out of your estate.
  3. Collect relevant documents. Your attorney can tell you exactly what you’ll need, but any legal documents associated with your assets are a good place to start. That includes titles and deeds, beneficiary forms, and proof of financial accounts.
  4. Pick your beneficiaries. Your attorney can advise you on how to legally divide and distribute your estate, but you must decide what family members, friends, and organizations will inherit your assets.
  5. Think about who could be your executor, POA, etc. Wills, trusts, and powers of attorney require someone to act on your behalf when you cannot. Who can you trust to fill those roles?

Why You Should Work With An Estate Planning Attorney

Even if you feel your estate planning will be straightforward, you should work with an attorney. An experienced estate planning attorney can walk you through all your options, spot holes in your plans, and ensure everything is notarized and filed appropriately. They know the latest Nevada estate laws and will answer all your questions better than the internet can. The last thing you want is for your family to lose part of their inheritance or face financial burdens because you made a DIY mistake. 

Common Estate Planning Documents And What They Are

Estate planning in Las Vegas requires a lot of paperwork. But don’t worry. Your attorney will be able to explain everything before you sign. They will also help you decide what legal documents you need to meet your estate planning goals. Not everyone needs the same documents, but here’s a list of some common ones: 

  • Last will and testament: outlines how you want your assets distributed and who you want to care for your dependents upon your death.
  • Living will: explains your wishes for end-of-life care if you become terminally ill and incapacitated.
  • Medical power of attorney: gives an individual you trust authority to make decisions about your medical care if you cannot. Also called a healthcare proxy.
  • Financial power of attorney: gives a person of your choosing the authority to make and execute financial decisions for you when you cannot.
  • Trust: gives a chosen trustee the power to hold assets for the benefit of your named beneficiaries. There are many types of trusts.
  • Beneficiary forms: include forms for IRAs, 401(k) plans, and life insurance that name beneficiaries for these funds upon your death. 

Important Decisions You Should Make During Estate Planning

Your attorney knows what to discuss and advise during estate planning in Las Vegas. But you will make all the crucial decisions. Those include 

  • Who will be your executor, trustee, or power of attorney agent? They must be legally adults and competent, but beyond that, it’s your choice.
  • How to meaningfully divide your estate. You can reduce your loved ones’ stress by naming your heirs and deciding what they get now. 
  • Who to name as beneficiaries on financial policies. Things like your 401(k) and life insurance policy require you to name at least one beneficiary if you haven’t already.
  • Who will care for your dependents? You’ll need to choose someone to care for minor children, handicapped dependents, or pets if you cannot in the future. 
  • How to preserve or end your business. If you own a business, you need a solid plan for how to keep it going, pass it to partners, or close it in case you die unexpectedly. 
  • End-of-life care and life-saving measures. You can make medical decisions per your preferences now in case you become incapacitated at some point.

When And How To Update Your Plans

Estate planning is rarely a one-time project. As your life circumstances change, you will need to update your estate planning documents. You will need to make changes when you 

  • Experience changes in the family. Births, marriages, divorces, and deaths may require changes to your beneficiaries and how you divide your assets. When you have children, you’ll want to choose a caregiver in case of your untimely death. 
  • Have changes in assets. You’ll need to tweak your plans if you acquire or lose valuable assets. Bought a vacation home? Add it to your will. Sold the vacation home? Remove it from your will.
  • Move out of state. State laws differ, so if you’ve moved to or out of Nevada recently, you’ll want to review your estate plans with an attorney in your new area.
  • Have a change of heart about anything. Sometimes feelings change, and you need to update your plans. You might fall out with a beneficiary and decide to remove them from your will. Or, perhaps, you fall in love with a charitable organization and wish to leave it some money. 
  • Need to change trustees or executors. Sometimes things change, and a trusted executor or trustee can no longer fill that role. In this case, choose someone to replace them and have new documents drawn up ASAP. 

To change your estate plans, simply contact your attorney. They will explain your options and help you make the updates you want. They can draw up new documents and remind you of other considerations you might have previously overlooked. 

Start Estate Planning In Las Vegas With The Attorneys Of Williams Starbuck

When you’re ready to start your estate planning, call the experts at Williams Starbuck. Our attorneys are well-versed in estate planning in Las Vegas and will guide you through the process from start to finish and beyond. When we finish, you’ll have a watertight estate plan that protects your family and assets. To request a free consultation and learn more, contact us at 1-702-660-9847 or send us a message below. 

A power of attorney protects you and your estate if you cannot make important decisions. But first, you should understand what a power of attorney is and how to get a power of attorney in Las Vegas. We’ll explain it all below, and then you can bring further questions to the estate planning attorneys at Williams Starbuck.

What Is A Power Of Attorney?

Your power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that appoints someone to oversee your affairs if you become incapacitated or unreachable. This agent is your attorney-in-fact and can make financial or medical decisions on your behalf. Your POA spells out the extent of their authority and when it goes into effect, such as immediately upon completion or only if you become incapacitated by illness or age. Your POA expires when you die.

Why You Need A Power Of Attorney In Las Vegas

It can be difficult to imagine a time when you would need a power of attorney in Las Vegas while you’re healthy and of sound mind. But estate planning is essential in all seasons of life. Anyone 18 and older can benefit from creating a POA in several ways.

  • Your family members won’t have to guess what you want when you can’t make vital decisions yourself. With a POA in place, your attorney-in-fact is responsible for making decisions for you within the document’s terms.
  • It can protect your family financially. Your attorney-in-fact can also distribute funds in your name to care for family members, so you and they don’t have to worry about their upkeep.
  • It can protect your attorney-in-fact too. Your family may not always agree with your POA or attorney-in-fact. But as long as they act in accordance with your POA and your best interests, your agent won’t suffer from claims of financial abuse.
  • You’ll have extra protection for your assets. A second person who can handle your financial affairs can be helpful in an emergency. They can take action to protect your business operations, real estate, investments, or bank accounts for you when you are unable to.
  • You’ll enjoy more peace of mind when you travel. If you travel overseas a lot, you might find it beneficial to establish a power of attorney so your agent can handle your financial affairs in your absence.

How To Get A Power Of Attorney In Las Vegas

When you want to create a power of attorney in Las Vegas, the process will go smoother if you hire experienced estate planning attorneys like Williams Starbuck. They can walk you through all the steps of how to get a power of attorney in Las Vegas and help you write the terms of your POA to fit your needs.

Once you find an attorney to work with, you’ll need to

  • Choose one or more trusted people to act as your attorney-in-fact.
  • Work with your attorney to write the terms of your POA.
  • Finalize and sign the POA document in the presence of a notary.
  • Print and distribute copies to your attorney-in-fact and other relevant people.
  • Store your own copies in a safe place.
  • Give copies to financial institutions and government agencies where you have accounts or property listed in your POA.

Establish Your POA With The Experts At Williams Starbuck

When you’re ready to create a power of attorney, the estate planning attorneys at Williams Starbuck are here to help. Get started today by contacting us at 1-720-660-9847 to schedule a free consultation.

When you think about a will, you probably think about the document that gives instructions for distributing your estate after your death. So what, then, is a living will? And do you need a living will in Las Vegas? Let’s explore what a living will is, why you should have one, and how an estate planning attorney can help you write one.

What Is A Living Will?

Unlike a last will and testament, a living will is used while you’re still alive. It is what the law calls an “advance directive” and details your desires for medical care if you ever become incapacitated, incapable of communication, or mentally incompetent.

Unfortunately, there may come a time when you cannot make or express your desires for medical treatment or end-of-life care. While your loved ones and doctors will try to give you the best care possible, they cannot read your mind. A living will let you make medical decisions ahead of time for family and doctors to follow.

So what might a living will include? These are very personal decisions, but a living may include

Your goals for quality of life when incapacitated

  • Instructions for personal hygiene and modesty
  • Directions for when to use lifesaving treatments and when to remove life support
  • Instructions for withholding nutrition and hydration at the end of life
  • Preferences for pain management
  • Religious considerations

When working on your living will in Las Vegas, you may also wish to draw up what’s called a durable power of attorney for health care. This document names a person you want to make medical decisions for you if you become unable.

Do You Need A Living Will?

Nevada does not require you to have a living will, but it is recommended that everyone 18 and older should have one. Even if you enjoy good health right now, anyone can experience an unexpected accident or terminal illness. You should especially consider getting a living will in Las Vegas if you

  • Already have a terminal illness
  • Plan to have surgery soon
  • Are of advanced age

Having a living will helps your family and doctors know how to care for you during a stressful time. It lifts some of the burdens of caring for you and prevents arguments and uncertainties. You’ll also have greater peace of mind knowing that medical care and end-of-life care decisions that are important to you will be honored.


How Can An Attorney Help You Write A Living Will?

Like with other wills and estate planning documents, your attorney can also help you write your living will. You could do it yourself using an online template, but an attorney provides an experienced point of view. They can help you personalize your living will better than a generic template allow and ensure your living will meet Nevada state requirements. They can offer advice about what kinds of things to include. And once you’re done, your attorney’s office can help you get the final document witnessed and notarized.

A living will may be difficult to think about, but the guidance of an expert attorney streamlines the process. You’ll feel more confident knowing everything was done right and that your family will know your wishes for medical and end-of-life care if needed.

Need Help With A Living Will In Las Vegas? Williams Starbuck Can Help

When you need a living will or other estate planning document, the experienced attorneys at Williams Starbuck are happy to help. We make the process simple and discuss everything thoroughly to meet your needs. To learn more about our services, call 1-720-660-9847 or contact us and schedule a free consultation today.

Although Memorial Day just passed, it is important to honor those that have served our country. This time is also an opportunity for members of the military and their loved ones to consider setting up an – or revising an existing – estate plan. Military families need to consider special estate-planning issues that others do not. This is particularly true when one or more family members are deployed overseas. Beyond this, members of the military have access to special benefits and resources. This can become complicated and, for this reason, it’s important to seek specialized help if you are a military family. Whether you are just starting in the military or a seasoned veteran, below are some common factors to consider for your estate planning needs.

Important Factors to Consider 

Everyone’s estate plan should be customized to the person’s particular circumstances. Some factors that should be considered include whether you:
  • Own real property and, if so, if the real estate is located in different states;
  • Are married;
  • Have minor children, or children with special needs;
  • Have money set aside in 401(k), IRAs, or thrift savings plans;
  • Plan to give to charity; and
  • Are moving multiple times across states or to different countries.

Estate Planning Necessities 

There are many benefits offered to military families that can help with estate planning. These include:

Life Insurance

An important part of an estate plan and intended for those who are financially dependent upon you, life insurance is especially important if a member of the military is heading out to a combat zone. Active-duty members have access to low-cost life insurance for themselves and loved ones from Service Members’ Life Insurance Group. More information can be found on the Department of Veterans Affairs website. When examining your life insurance, work with us to make sure that the beneficiary designation works the way you expect it to.

Wills and Trusts

A last will and testament to whom and how you want your property distributed, names who will administer your estate and specifies who will care for a minor or special needs child. A trust, on the other hand, is a separate legal entity that can hold property and assets for the benefit of one or more people or entities. For most families, a trust-centered estate plan is a better fit, but a will can work for some families.

Other Benefits for Survivors

Survivor benefit plans (SBP) are pension-type plans in the form of an annuity that will pay your surviving spouse and children a monthly benefit. Likewise, dependency and indemnity compensation (D&IC) provides a monthly benefit to eligible survivors of service members or veterans (1) who die while on active duty, (2) whose death is due to a service-related disease or injury or (3) who are receiving or entitled to receive VA compensation for service-related disability and are totally disabled. When you are examining any financial services or insurance product, it’s a good idea to work with us to make sure any beneficiary designations work the way you expect and provide the maximum benefit to your family.

You Need Specialized Help 

Members of the military often experience frequent moves, have access to lots of government benefits after service, and can be subject to some unusual tax rules. For these reasons, estate planning for military families is more complicated than most. You can expect an estate planning professional to assist you with setting up the following:
  • Powers of attorney for limited and general financial matters, as well as health care decisions (very helpful when a spouse is deployed);
  • Funeral and burial arrangements;
  • Wills and living wills;
  • Organ donation;
  • Family care plans;
  • Life insurance;
  • Trusts;
  • Estate taxes;
  • Survivor benefits;
  • Estate administration and/or probate.
An estate plan has multiple objectives: to provide for your family’s financial security, ensure your property is preserved and passed on to your beneficiaries, and determine who will manage your assets upon your death, among others. As a former United States Marine, I am here to help guide you through the best options available to you and your family. Contact us to start creating an estate plan today!

Life has too many “what-ifs” to be able to plan for every conceivable situation you might encounter. In spite of this, it’s still possible to create an effective estate plan that will not only anticipate your death and/or disability but do so in a way that will enable those you love to focus on your legacy, rather than your estate plan. Check out these 10 estate planning tips!

10 Estate Planning Tips For Creating an Effective Estate Plan

  • Get A Financial Power Of Attorney
    • Give the power of attorney over your financial matters to someone you trust. This person should also have the education or life experience to make sound financial decisions on your behalf, in the event you become incapacitated.
  • Find A Healthcare Power Of Attorney
    • For most of your life, you are far more likely to be temporarily incapacitated or disabled than you are to die. For this reason, a comprehensive estate plan will give the power of attorney to someone for health care decisions. It is a very good idea to give someone the power to act on your behalf in the event you are unable to make decisions for yourself.
  •  Do A Regular Inventory and Correctly Title Your Assets
    • You have spent your whole life, up to this point, working to acquire assets that will support you, and possibly your children after you die. Regularly inventory and carefully title your various assets. Designate beneficiaries for your annuities, insurance policies, and retirement plans. You should bear in mind that anyone whose name appears on the title of an account, policy, or retirement plan will have the authority to access and use the funds on your behalf.
  • Have a Will In Place
    • Have a legal will prepared that properly disposes of your assets. A will can also nominate legal guardians for your children to provide for their care, upbringing, and education in addition to managing their inheritance.
  • Take Advantage of Protections From Creditors
    • Take advantage of protections that are available, as a matter of right, by law to protect certain basic property rights. For example, some assets (e.g., 401(k)s, most IRAs, and your primary residence) are protected by state law; therefore, they can’t be taken by a general creditor to satisfy your obligations.


Estate Planning Tips Continued…

  • Use Revocable Living Trusts
    • Use trusts to hold assets and settle your estate. A trust is an effective way to avoid the probate process that can be lengthy and needlessly expensive. Most people should eventually use a revocable living trust as the centerpiece of their estate plan.
  • Understand Irrevocable Trusts
    • Instead of leaving inheritances directly for your children, use an irrevocable trust. This can help you avoid claims against the inheritance from debts, divorce, disability, and destructive spending habits. In addition, there are dozens of purposes for irrevocable trusts created for favorable income, estate, and gift tax results and, when used correctly, protection of assets.
  • Seek The Help of Financial Advisors
    • Seek professional advice from attorneys, bankers, financial planners, and insurance brokers as you see fit. It’s never too early to start planning for your financial future. In order to be a good steward of your assets, find a good financial advisor with the help of family and friends, and trusted professionals.
  • Periodically Review and Revise
    • Effective estate planning is a lifelong activity. Tragedy could strike at any time. As we have seen, laws, your family circumstances, and the makeup of your own wealth will change over time. It is critical to review and update your estate plan on a regular basis to ensure that the best possible protections are being utilized.
  • Take Time To Ponder
    • Family dynamics change all of the time and in lots of different ways. Think of charitable causes you are committed to or care about. Charitable giving is one tool an effective estate planner has in the tool belt to reduce or eliminate taxes that the estate, or loved ones, will have to pay when you die. Financial circumstances can change rapidly. Your legacy will reflect the time and thought you have invested in creating and maintaining your estate plan.

Use These 10 Estate Planning Tips To Get Started

An estate plan that is out of date, can be just as harmful as not having one at all. It is essential to maintain your estate plan so your legacy, and not estate planning deficiencies are what will be remembered. If you regularly follow the above ten timeless tips above, your estate plan will remain healthy and effective to accomplish what it was created for.

Contact the attorneys at Williams Starbuck to help you with your Estate Planning needs today!