There are many complex legal requirements associated with being a trustee or administering an estate. We help our clients create an estate plan where they can handle the affairs of an estate without major challenges.

What Is Military Will and Estate Planning

In many ways, creating a customized estate plan for a single, or married member of the active duty or reserve branches of the United States military, can be similar to creating a will, trust, or estate plan for wealthy and non-military individuals or families. However, when it comes to military personnel, there are considerations that are unique to members of the military that must be accounted for and planned for.

When developing a military estate plan keep in mind and take an inventory of everything that is personally owned.  This can include property, a car, and even a savings account.  Once the assets have been identified, we can then help you answer questions such as:

  • What happens to my property?
  • Who will oversee my finances?
  • How will my family be affected financially?


Why Williams Starbuck Can Help You With Military Will and Estate Planning in Las Vegas

Because of my service in the United States Marine Corps Reserves, I am both familiar with the considerations that are distinctive to military members, and able to relate to you and your situation while we work together to ensure your estate plan is properly set up, and all aspects and scenarios are contemplated and planned for. 

In cases where you own a home, have investments, or your estate consists of other classes of assets, the base legal office may not be able to adequately assist you with the proper tools and documents you need to ensure that your estate avoids probate, and seamlessly transitions to your loved ones.

Contact Williams Starbuck For More Information About Military Will and Estate Planning

If you are a member of any branch of the United States Military, on active duty, or on reserve and you have questions regarding asset protection or other estate planning matters and how they might affect you, call us at 1-720-660-9847 or send us a message for a free consultation.

There are several parts to creating an estate plan in Las Vegas, one of them being a living trust. Common factors that prompt someone to create a trust include privacy, tax benefits, avoiding probate, and caring for family members with special needs. Estate planning also lets you dictate how your assets will pass on to future generations after your death. See below for some key suggestions on how a living trust can help your family.

Avoiding Probate

One of the primary reasons for creating an estate plan is to avoid probate. Unlike a will, a fully funded living trust will avoid probate, typically a lengthy and costly court-supervised process. Probate includes locating and determining the value of the deceased’s assets, paying off any outstanding bills and taxes, and then distributing the remaining value of the estate to the deceased’s rightful beneficiaries or heirs.

Avoiding probate is often a top reason for estate planning, and there is no surprise as to why. First, probate can be a costly way to transfer your assets upon death. Second, it is very time-consuming for your family. It can take from six to nine months (or even longer) to complete the probate process. Complications, such as a contested will or an inability to find clear records of all of the deceased’s assets and debts, can extend this timeline. Finally, probate proceedings are a matter of public record so when your estate goes through this process, there is no privacy.

Reducing Taxes

While a living trust can help you avoid probate, it can also provide you with tax savings, especially if your estate is subject to death taxes (also known as estate and gift taxes). Of course, there are many types of trusts. One way to think about the variety is to consider a toolbox. For example, there are numerous kinds of screwdrivers, hammers, power tools, and so on. Each tool has an intended use. Trusts are no different. When you work with us, we’ll make sure to align the type of trust with the tax-saving needs and other goals of your family.

Seek Professional Help

It is important to understand that a trust only controls assets that are in the trust. In other words, you must place these assets in the trust – commonly referred to as “funding” the trust. Moreover, because our lives are always changing (marriage, childbirth, home purchase, etc.) and so are tax laws, it is essential to continually update and monitor the funding of your trust over your lifetime.

For these reasons, you will want to work closely with your estate planning attorney to make sure your assets are properly aligned with your trust. This will not only help you get organized, but it will also make things easier for your heirs when you pass away. You don’t have to go it alone. We are here to help you and your family. Call us at 1-720-660-9847 today to learn more about how a living trust can help your family.

A resume is a “snapshot” of your experience, skill set, and education which provides prospective employers insight into who you are and how you will perform. Imagine not updating that resume for 5, 10, or even 15 years. Would it accurately reflect who you are? Would it do what you want it to do? Likely not. Estate planning in Las Vegas is similar in that they need to be updated on a regular basis to reflect changes in your life so they can do what you want them to do.

Outdated estate plans – like outdated resumes – simply don’t work.

Take a Moment to Reflect

Think back for a moment – think of all the changes in your life. What’s changed since you signed your will, trust, and other estate planning documents? If something has changed that affects you, your trusted helpers, or your beneficiaries, your estate plan probably needs to reflect that change.

Here are examples of changes that are significant enough to warrant an estate plan review and, likely, updates:

  • Birth
  • Adoption
  • Marriage
  • Divorce or separation
  • Death
  • Addictions
  • Incapacity/disability
  • Health challenges
  • Financial status changes – good or bad
  • Tax law changes
  • Move to a new state
  • Family circumstances changes – good or bad
  • Business circumstances changes – good or bad


Call us at 1-720-660-9847 to get your estate planning review on the calendar. If you’re like most people, if it’s on the calendar, you’ll make it happen.

Just as you update your resume on a regular basis and just like you meet with the doctor, dentist, CPA, or financial advisor on a regular basis, you need to meet with us on a regular basis as well.

We’ll make sure your estate plan reflects your current needs and those of the people you love. Updating is the best way to make sure your estate plan will actually do what you want it to do.

Not surprisingly, most people loathe reviewing their estate plan because it can be both confusing and daunting. Others do not want to think about death and avoid the topic altogether. If you have already put an estate plan together using an estate planning attorney in Las Vegas, you are ahead of the curve as many people do not have one.

If you do not yet have an estate plan, there is no better time than now to sit down and get one in place. In either scenario, below are five common estate planning mistakes and how to fix them so that you are fully protecting your family.

Mistake 1: You Have Not Updated Your Plan

Many people consider estate planning a “one and done” proposition. This could not be further from the truth. Life happens. This may include adding new beneficiaries due to the birth of children or grandchildren, or removing beneficiaries due to a change in circumstances. Your family’s needs will almost certainly have changed over the years since you first created your estate plan.

Likewise, your executor – the person who will be in charge of your assets in the event of your untimely death – may have passed away or may no longer be able to serve. For these reasons, it is key to keep your beneficiaries and successor executors current.

Mistake 2: Your Plan is Missing Key Components

While you may already have an estate plan in place, it may not be comprehensive enough to fully protect your loved ones after you have passed. At a minimum, everyone should have a last will and testament, a financial power of attorney, and a health care directive. These documents should have been reviewed by a knowledgeable estate plan attorney within the last 5 years and immediately after any major life event, such as a marriage, divorce, birth or death of a child, receiving an inheritance, or significant increase or decrease in assets.

With these life changes, the level of protection you need may have also changed. Relying on an old strategy may leave you and your loved ones vulnerable.

Mistake 3: You Have Not Kept Up with Changes in Tax Laws

In the past twenty years, the estate tax exemption has increased by fifteen times. If you have significant wealth, you need to make sure your estate plan takes advantage of unique planning opportunities under current law. This is because an outdated estate plan structure that has not kept up with current tax law can actually do more harm than good for your loved ones, since it may needlessly cause taxes to be paid. Accordingly, a qualified estate planning attorney who fully understands your circumstances should review your documents and make any necessary adjustments.

Mistake 4: You Moved Without Updating Your Estate Documents

It is important to understand that each state has different laws that govern estate planning. For this reason, if you move from one state to another it is vital that you have a local estate planning attorney review and revise your documents. You want to make certain your plan is compliant with the laws in the state in which you primarily reside. This also applies to medical powers of attorney or advance directives that may be valid in your old state but ruled invalid in your new state, depending on the local law.

Mistake 5: You Failed to Focus on Life Insurance and Retirement Accounts

One common mistake is for individuals to fail to review life insurance policies after they were originally issued. Neglected policies may not be properly funded, resulting in a lapse in coverage and requiring hefty premiums to keep the policy in force. Likewise, it is important to take advantage of listing beneficiaries on retirement accounts rather than leaving them to your estate.

When a beneficiary is listed, these assets avoid probate – the long and expensive legal process of distributing your assets upon your death through court supervision – and allow beneficiaries to keep the majority of these funds in tax-advantaged accounts.

We’re Here to Help

Without proper maintenance and administration, your carefully put-together estate plan may not work as you intend. Instead of allowing this to happen, call us at 1-720-660-9847, so we can begin reviewing your estate plan to make sure all of your bases are covered and any needed changes are made.

You’ve finally decided it’s time to meet with an estate planning attorney in Las Vegas and get your affairs in order. OK, great! It’s time to make sure your family is protected. It’s important to know how to prepare for a meeting with your estate planning attorney.

Now that you’ve scheduled the first appointment, what’s the next step?

You can do one of two things:

  • Simply wait for the meeting date to arrive
  • Get yourself organized and prepared for the first meeting.

We recommend doing the second. Here’s how:

Before You Meet With Your Attorney

Taking the time to sort through your important papers and get your thoughts in order will go a long way to making the meeting productive and valuable.  Otherwise, the meeting will become a fishing expedition for your attorney and both tedious and confusing for you.

Here are 3 ways to get yourself organized and prepared for your first meeting:

Make a complete list of your assets and liabilities

  • List what you own (e.g., bank accounts, investment accounts, real estate, retirement accounts, and life insurance). Fortunately, you do not need to make a list of your personal property.
  • Jot down how you own it (e.g., in your sole name or in joint names with your spouse or someone else such as a child or sibling).
  • Indicate whether you have already designated a beneficiary for the account or policy.
  • Record how much you owe (e.g., mortgages, car loans and credit cards).

Think about who you want to inherit your estate, when they’ll inherit it, and how they’ll inherit it

There are many ways to pass your property to beneficiaries, including outright, in stages (such as after college or after getting married), at specific ages, or in lifetime discretionary trusts.

It’s wise to consider the advice of your attorney, but, at the very least, think about each beneficiary’s current needs and what they may need in the future.

Think about who you want to be in charge if you become incapacitated or die

Along with naming Guardians for your minor children, deciding who will serve as your fiduciaries (including the Executor of your Will, Successor Trustee of your Trust, Attorney in Fact of your Power of Attorney, and Health Care Agent in your Medical Directive) is, by far, the most important decision you will need to make.

Why?  Because if you choose the wrong person for the job, or if someone you choose declines to serve or can’t serve, the estate plan that you have so carefully put together will come to a grinding halt.

If you’re like most people, you’ll need the advice of your attorney to choose the right people or institutions to serve as your fiduciaries, but think about which family members or friends will be good candidates – and which will not.

Ready to Meet With Your Attorney?

It’s a lot to think about and organize, but it will be well worth it.  Call us at 1-720-660-9847 if you have any questions on how to prepare for a meeting with your estate planning attorney. We are here to help every step of the way.

Your children are your pride and joy. It’s no surprise that at some point or another, every parent likely becomes concerned about who will care for a minor child or children if one or both parents die or are incapacitated. From a financial perspective, many parents turn to life insurance in an effort to take care of their family in the event of death. While it is true that life insurance is a helpful financial tool to protect your loved ones, it is just as important to consider how to leave your assets to your minor children. Beyond this, you should also consider how to incorporate your retirement money (IRAs and 401(k)s), another common, significant asset into your overall estate plan.

When you purchase life insurance, you will name a beneficiary of the death benefits and retirement accounts. But, if you don’t have a system in place and your children are minors at the time they inherit these assets, the court will appoint a property guardian or a conservator (the title depends on state law, but the role of this person is to “watch over” a minor person’s money). This process will require attorneys’ fees, court proceedings, supervision from the court, and will limit investment options — all costs and delays that will not help your children, but can cost them a significant percentage of their inheritance.

Another downside? Whatever’s left when the child becomes an adult (usually age 18, but may be, 19 or 21, in some states) will be handed over, without any guidance. This can impact college financial aid opportunities and open up an opportunity for irresponsible spending.


How To Leave Assets?

 There are several ways in which you can structure your life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and overall estate plan to benefit your minor children in the most streamlined way possible.

1. First, use a children’s trust to manage the money for the benefit of your children.

This lets you designate someone you think will manage the assets well, rather than leaving it to the whims of the court. You will want to do this instead of naming minor children as beneficiaries.

2. Second, select and name a guardian to handle the day-to-day care for your children.

This person can be different than the person managing in the money, which can sometimes work well depending on the amounts involved and the different skill sets needed to manage money versus raise children.

3. Third, if you have a living trust, make sure you have properly funded the trust and aligned your retirement assets with the plan.

If you do not yet have a trust, consider the benefits of one over will-based planning.  Both types of plans will allow you to designate how much and when your children will receive the money, but a trustbased plan will allow you to do so without court involvement.

Benefits of a Trust

Generally, parents list a minor child as the secondary or contingent beneficiary on life insurance and retirement accounts after first naming the surviving spouse as a primary beneficiary. This may work, as long as everyone dies in the “right” order and at the “right” time. But, it’s a gamble, and providing structure through a trust for these inheritances is a better option. Unlike guardianship or custodian accounts, where the proceeds must be handed over once the minor(s) turns a certain age, you can specify at which age your child receives the assets. This allows you to designate how the money is to be used, so it will be available for important life events while protecting your children from reckless spending. Ultimately you have more control with a trust, and your customized plan will provide the best protection for your family.

If you have any questions about how to leave assets to your minor children — whether it is a life insurance policy, a retirement account, or any other asset — call us at 1-720-660-9847. A legal professional can explain the options available to your family, determine what tax implications will result, and advise you on the best structure that will protect your family’s needs.

While the term fiduciary is a legal term with a rich history, it very generally means someone who is legally obligated to act in another person’s best interests. Trustees, executors, and agents are all examples of fiduciaries. You first will pick a trustee, executor, and agent under a power of attorney when you create your estate plan in Las Vegas.

When you do this, you’re picking one or more people to make decisions in your and your beneficiaries’ best interests and in accordance with the instructions you leave. Luckily, understanding the basics of what each of these terms means and what to consider when making your choices can make your estate plan work far better.


A revocable living trust is often the center of a well-designed estate plan because it is simply the best strategy for achieving most individuals’ goals. In many revocable living trusts, you will serve as the initial trustee and will continue to manage the trust assets as you had in the past.

Your successor trustee will be responsible for making sure your wealth is passed on and managed in accordance with your wishes after your death or during your incapacity. Like each of the following individuals involved in your estate planning, it’s best to have a trusted person or financial institution carry out this vitally important role.

It’s important to make the language in your trust as clear as possible so that your trustee knows exactly how to handle various situations that can arise is asset distribution. Lastly, your trustee will only control the assets contained within the trust — not the rest of your estate, the reason why completely funding your living trust is crucial.

Powers of Attorney

Your power of attorney is the document in your estate plan that appoints individuals to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so yourself. There are a few different types of powers of attorney, each with their own specific provisions. There is quite a wide range of situations covered by various powers of attorney, and we can help you decide which types you’ll need based on your current situation and future goals. Here are two common types to cover in your estate plan:

Financial Powers of Attorney

Financial powers of attorney grant individuals the ability to take financial actions on your behalf such as purchasing life insurance or withdrawing money from your accounts to cover your expenses. A person who acts under the authority given in a power of attorney is generally called an agent. Regarding financial decisions, an institution like a trust company, can also be named. Keep in mind that trust companies will charge a fee for this service.

Health Care Powers of Attorney

Health care powers of attorney cover a wide range of specific actions that can be taken regarding an individual’s medical needs such as making decisions about the types of care you receive or who will be providing the care.


Your executor is the person who will see your assets through probate, if necessary, and carry out your wishes based on your last will and testament. Depending on your preferences, this may be the same person or institution as your trustee. You might also see this position designated as personal representative, but it means the same thing.

Some individuals chose to go with a paid executor. This is usually someone who doesn’t stand to gain anything from your will, and is often the best choice if your estate is large and will be divided among many beneficiaries. Of course, family or friends can also serve, but it’s important to consider the amount of work involved before placing this burden on your family or friends.

Being an executor can be hard work and may have court-ordered deadlines, so it’s crucial to pick someone you know will be up for the job. They will probably need to hire a CPA to help sort out your taxes and a lawyer to assist in the process. Of course, if there’s a dispute, attorneys, appraisers, mediators, or other professionals will undoubtedly need to be involved.

Choosing a spouse or someone else intimately involved in your life can be convenient because they may already be familiar with your assets and have an easier time making sure your wishes are carried out.  However, because of the time involved and the nature of some assets, they may not be up to the task at the time.


Get in Touch With Us Today

Let us help you make the process of how you pick your trustee, executor, and agent under a power of attorney as smooth as possible. Once you have these choices in place, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that your estate plan is in good hands no matter what life brings.  Call us at 1-720-660-9847  to make an appointment today.

You don’t need to have a summer house in the Hamptons or a private art collection big enough to rival MOMA to consider yourself the owner of an estate. In fact, virtually anyone who owns anything has an “estate” in the eyes of the law. Although the term may conjure images of expansive country properties, expensive cars, or other symbols of high wealth, for the purposes of estate planning law, the term “estate” covers a whole lot more.

If you are thinking “do I really need an estate plan?, then you would benefit from talking with my team as an estate-planning attorney in Las Vegas.

What Constitutes as an Estate?

Ordinary possessions like homes, jewelry collections, bank accounts, cars, furniture — basically anything you can own — are also under the purview of your estate, meaning estate planning is something that profoundly impacts virtually everyone, not just the “country club” crowd.

So even if you wouldn’t ordinarily consider yourself the owner of an estate, it’s quite likely that you are. The answer to the question “I don’t have an estate. Do I really need an estate plan?” is, “Yes, virtually everyone who owns property could benefit from estate planning.” And estate planning covers more than just property, too: It’s also about ensuring someone you trust can make critical medical decisions for you if you’re unable to do so.


4 Key Advantages of Estate Planning

Estate planning may seem overwhelming.  But you don’t have to do it alone. We know what it takes to create a comprehensive estate plan tailored to your exact needs.

Here are the core tenets of what’s involved in estate planning and how you stand to benefit from the process:

  1. Allows you to remain in complete control of your property while you’re still alive and well.
  2. Helps you provide for yourself and your loved ones if you become incapacitated or disabled – without expensive and distracting court hearings.
  3. Minimizes the impact of professional fees, court costs, and taxes.
  4. Provides a framework so you can give what you have to whom you want, the way you want when you want.

Sit Down With an Attorney Today

Are you ready to sit down with a qualified estate planning attorney to see how you can ensure a better future for yourself and your family? There’s no time to waste — the sooner you take stock of your estate and get critical documents like wills and trusts completed, the better. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Estate plans are almost magical: they allow you to maintain control of your assets, yet protect you should you become incapacitated. They take care of your family and pets. And, if carefully crafted, they reduce fees, taxes, stress, and time delays. Las Vegas estate plans can even keep your family and financial affairs private. But one thing estate plans can’t do is update themselves.

Estate plans are written to reflect your situation at a specific point in time. While they have some flexibility, the bottom line is that our lives continually change and unfold in ways we might not have ever anticipated. Your plan needs to reflect those changes. If not, it will be as stale as last week’s ham sandwich and can fail miserably.

If anything in the following 5 categories has occurred in your life since you signed your estate planning documents, call us now to schedule a meeting. We’ll get you in ASAP to make sure you and your family get protected.

  1. Marriage, Divorce, Death. Marriage, remarriage, divorce, and death all require substantial changes to an estate plan. Think of all the roles a spouse plays in our lives. We’ll need to evaluate beneficiaries, trustees, successor trustees, executors/personal representatives, and agents under powers of attorney.
  1. Change in Financial Status. A substantial change in financial status – positive or negative – generally requires an estate plan update. These changes can be the result of launching, winding down, or selling a business; business and professional success; filing bankruptcy; suffering medical crisis; retiring; receiving an inheritance; or, even winning the lottery.
  1. Birth, Adoption, or Death of a Child / Grandchild. The birth or adoption of a child or grandchild may call for the creation of gifting trusts, 529 education plans, gifting plans, and UGMA / UTMA (Uniform Gifts to Minors Act / Uniform Transfers to Minors Act) accounts. We’ll also need to reevaluate beneficiaries, trustees, successor trustees, executors/personal representatives, and agents under powers of attorney.
  1. Change in Circumstances. Circumstances change. It’s a fact of life – and when you’re the beneficiary or fiduciary of an estate plan, those changes may warrant revisions to the plan. Common examples include:
  • Children and grandchildren attain adulthood and are able to serve in trusted helper roles
  • Relationships change and different trusted helpers need to be named
  • Beneficiaries or trusted helpers develop overspending or drug / gambling habits
  • Guardians, executors, or trustees are no longer able (or no longer wish) to serve in their preassigned roles
  • Beneficiaries become disabled and need a special needs trust to receive government benefits
  • Guardians for minor children divorce, move to a new state, or are, otherwise, no longer appropriate to serve
  1. Changes in Venue. Moving from one state to another always warrants estate plan review as state’s laws differ. Changes may be needed to ensure that you’re taking full advantage of – and not being penalized by – your new state’s laws. This is also true when purchasing a second home outside of your state.

Your Estate Plan Should Help You, Not Hurt You

Old estate plans get stale just like old sandwiches do. You wouldn’t rely on last week’s ham sandwich for lunch; please don’t rely on your estate plan from yesteryear. We’ll review your estate plan and make sure you and your loved ones are good to go.

Many people think that if they die while they are married, everything they own automatically goes to their spouse or children. They’re actually thinking of state rules that apply if someone dies without leaving a will. In legal jargon, this is referred to as “intestate.”

In that case, the specifics will vary depending on each state’s law, so where you live when you die can significantly change the outcome for your family. However, the general rule is that your spouse will receive a share, and the rest will be divided among your children. Exactly how much a spouse will inherit depends on the state, though.

Now, it may seem like, “So far, so good.” Your spouse is getting an inheritance, so are the kids. But here are some examples of how the laws can fail many common family situations.


Common Family Situations

First off, if both parents of minor-aged children die intestate, then the children are left without a legal guardian. Kids don’t automatically go to a godparent, even if that’s what everyone knew the parents had intended.

Instead, a court will appoint someone to be the children’s guardian. In such situations, the judge seeks to act in the children’s best interests and gathers information on the parents, the children, and the family circumstances. But the decision is up to the court, and the judge may not make the decision that you, as a parent, would have made.

When it comes to asset division, in most cases, state intestacy law presumes that a family consists of a husband, wife, and their natural-born children. But, that’s not necessarily the way many families are structured, and things can become legally complicated quickly.

According to Wealth Management, one analysis has 50 different types of family structures in American households. Almost 18% of Americans have been remarried, and–through adoption and stepfamilies–millions of children are living in blended families. The laws just haven’t kept up, and absurd results can occur if you rely on intestacy as your estate plan. Stepchildren that you helped raise (but didn’t legally adopt) may end up with no inheritance, while a soon-to-be-ex-spouse may inherit from you.

Say, for instance, a father has a will that allocates assets to his spouse and two children, then they adopt a third child. Then, the father dies in a car accident before he’s able to revise his will. In some states, because the adopted child is not mentioned in the will, she may not be entitled to any inheritance.

If that isn’t worrisome enough, consider that, in some states, the law provides that an adopted child still has rights to the biological parents’ assets–and the biological parents are entitled to inherit a child’s wealth. (Imagine if the adopted-as-an-infant Steve Jobs had died intestate, and his biological parents demanded a share of his estate!)

Of course, with a will or trust, you can control your estate and essentially eliminate the risk of these crazy results.


What if You and Your Spouse Are Separated?

State law decides what happens to your estate if you are separated from your spouse when you die. Much of the time, the court ignores your separation and just considers you still legally married.

Unless you have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, it is extremely difficult to disinherit your spouse. Again, even if a spouse is omitted from a will, state laws might choose to give a surviving husband or wife a share of the assets.

If you are separated from your spouse, and your divorce is pending, you should definitely talk with your divorce lawyer and an estate planning attorney about your options.


Creditors Win

Intestacy provides no asset protection or preservation benefits. Without any protections in place, an estate’s assets are still vulnerable to creditors, lawsuits, and others who may claim entitlement to the property. These claims would take precedence over the statutory requirements for inheritance. In other words, the family may not receive the lion’s share of the estate. They’d get the leftovers.


Talk to an Attorney Today

The best way to safeguard and pass along what you’ve worked so hard to build is to talk to a qualified estate planning attorney. Protect yourself, your family and your assets by contacting us today.