Las Vegas Business

You put a lot of work into building your business, but what will happen to it after you die? That all depends on how you set up your estate. Good estate planning will preserve your assets and Las Vegas business when you die and transfer everything to your chosen beneficiaries. Here are some options for […]

Estate Planning Checklist

Many Las Vegas residents feel overwhelmed by the process of estate planning because it encompasses so many things. Breaking everything down into individual steps can make the task less daunting. Use this Las Vegas estate planning checklist to organize your estate planning and make it much more manageable. 1.) Find A Las Vegas Estate Planning […]

Military members

What Is Military Will and Estate Planning In many ways, creating a customized estate plan for a single, or married member of the active duty or reserve branches of the United States military, can be similar to creating a will, trust, or estate plan for wealthy and non-military individuals or families. However, when it comes […]